Step 1: Click or Tap the four California themed cards and they will slide out of the way revealing things underneath.
Step 2: Locate all the gold stars on the screen and slide them toward the star shaped slots in the Capital building picture in the center.
Step 3: The number 31 will appear next to the stars. There is a banner right above that is missing a number. Drag the 31 to the banner.
Step 4: The Number 1850 appears in the book
Step 5: Basic math time. Subtract the small 1400 from the new found 1850 will give you 450.
Step 6: Enter 450 into the safe on the left.
Step 7: The safe will open to reveal a key but you have not found a lock.
Step 8: On the bottom right there is a dial, drag it to the TV at the top
Step 9: once you add the dial, The TV will turn on and now flashes the word "CAPITAL".
Step 10: Simply click or tap the letters in the grid in the order of the clue on the TV. Click or tap the letters C-A-P-I-T-A-L in that order.
Step 11: This will trigger a secret door to open in the center of the Capital Building. There is the keyhole you have been looking for.
Step 12: Finally, all you need to do is drag the key to the lock. Congratulations, you just beet the Capital puzzle.